pushpanjalim samarpayaami shri gurú charan kamalebhyo namah
Offering a handful of flowers to the feet of the Master, I bow down.
OM amriteshvarabhairavaM svacchandanaathaM shrikanthanaathaM rishi durvaasasam /
Salutations to Lord Amritesvarabhairava, Svacchandanatha, Shrikanthanatha, the sage Durvása, his mind born sons Tryambakanatha, Amardakanatha, Srinatha and his mind born daughter Ardhatriyambaka. Salutations to the Masters Tryambakaditya, Sangamaditya, Varshaditya and Arunaditya.
aanandaM somaanandaM utpaladevaM aacaaryavaraM ShríShambunaatham /
Salutations to the masters Ananda, Somananda, Utpaladeva, Acharya Shri Shambunatha, Laksmanagupta, Abhinavagupta, Ksemaraja and Yogaraja.
shrigurumanakaakaM shaivaacaaryaM raamaM tat shishyaM shri mahataabakaakam /
Salutations to Swaml Manakaka, Swaml Ram, his disciple Swami Mahatabakak and their successor and disciple Isvarasvarüpa (Swami Lakshmanjoo), the embodiment of compassion and love.
bhairavaM, rudraM, shiva tantraM aalayaM karunaalayam/
Again and again I bow before the lotus feet of the Great Master Ishvarasvarüpa, the depository of all forms of the Saiva Agama, monist, dualist, and monist cum dualist. He is the successor of the great master Abhinavagupta and the embodiment of the all auspicious Lord Shiva, the benefactor of the entire cosmos.
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